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RAPS Rating System

RAPS (Redefining Athletic Performance System) is a unique athletic assessment and evaluation tool used to measure both male and female athleticism based on reaction time, agility, power and strength of every individual athlete.  Athletes must first discover what their baseline in athleticism is in order to improve their training and conditioning programs.  The standard 5-9 test official assessment which is done by certified provided RAPS Instructors using electronic timing system, upon request can be forwarded to college’s as official times and measurements for their staff to evaluate RAPS % score so they can compare themselves towards the competition and other athletes across the world.

Using a RAPS Rating it accurately assesses each athlete’s strength and weaknesses to help pin point additional training needs so that they may became a top competitor in their field and gain an advantage over their competition.


You can’t improve what you don’t know and you can’t get better.  If you don’t fully understand what it is you need to work on. The purpose of the RAPS Rating is to give athletes, coaches and trainers the unknown and vital information needed to improve themselves and their programs. Using two different assessment rankings in the official rating – RAPS assessment and a Hurricane score – athletes can see how they compare nationally and  internationally with other athletes at their position and sport so they can determine where improvements can be made if needed in their training program specifically designed and tailored toward their specific needs.  For coaches, trainers and parent’s, it’s an exciting way to see where you stand in obtaining a RAPS score and knowing your athlete’s strength and weakness from the Hurricane score allows you to make adjustments or get6 the professional help to improve a training program to benefit both the team and the individual players.

How it works

Who conducts the assessments is just as important as the assessments themselves.

All official assessments are performed by licensed and certified professionals, who include physical therapist and assistants, certified athletic trainers, personal trainers and strength and conditioning coaches.

All professionals must hold a certification from The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) or National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) ensuring that all official assessments are completed to the highest standard and regulations.


A driving force behind the development of RAPS Rating is to give every athlete, regardless of current skill level, the opportunity to show their talents and be discovered by collegiate coaches in the hope of receiving athletic scholarships and obtain a college education.

 College recruiters and coaches look to RAPS to simplify the recruiting process and get a better picture of an athlete’s abilities.

Upon completion of the official assessments, an athlete can give permission to RAPS certified provider to send their score to prospective recruiters and college coaches for review.

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